Well,you ask that question — who said you should be ashamed and to tell the truth, no one has per se. But from my standpoint, the idea of shame is implied through attitude and vibe. I have read a lot of things on Medium by woke folks and BLM people that are reasonable in their approach to explaining their position. But there are a lot of others who belong in the same group that post these egregious columns that have an explicit anti-white stance — they berate white people by, for example, saying that all white people are inherently racist, and this baffles me, as I see it as fighting racism with racism or prejudice with prejudice. And so, I get this feeling that, from their POV, since Anglo-Saxon heritage is inherently related to Caucasian people, then t such a pride in such a heritage is white pride, and so that too must go.
And I apologize. I misinterpreted your statement “if you have to ask…” as a remark that implied, if you are asking that, then you should be either ashamed at the most or not proud at the least.
But I like your thinking and your sense of understanding. I think though at the base of the Anglo-Saxon tree there is a mixture of the good and the bad, and naturally that mixture spreads upward to either glorify or poison the tree’s branches.