This is another flaw that is a common misconception in Hiter's views on race and ethnicity. Contrary to contemporary popular belief, Hitler was not a white supremacist. Rather, he was a pan-nationalist with emphasis of Aaryan superiority, the alliance with other Aaryan tribes seen as lesser than the Nordic-Germanic breed (Italians, Turks and other Mediterranean peoples), and then of course, the complete damnation of the inferiors (Jews, Slavs, etc.). What is rather interesting is that in some photos of Russian soldiers and civilians, many would have the physical traits of a perfect Aaryan, such as blond hair, blue eyes and very muscular. But then also, you have ironic moments of Nazi "poster children" such as Werner Goldberg and Hessy Levinsons Taft who are obviously Caucasian and were used in Nazi posters, yet, were later discovered to be Jewish.