Some would be surprised that the horror genre is perhaps one of the most suitable genres to express Christian principles, and it has the potential to be a good horror film as long as it does not make those principles overly explicit in a preachy-like manner. Many of the movies you listed are really good examples of accomplishing this, though The Lives of Others is indeed one choice that I would think would be the farthest from making the list. I think the western film Tombstone may have a few good Christian themes to its plot, in that the works of evildoers usually end up catching up to those who commit them and make evil deeds a way of living. Of course, many films have that sort of theme to it, especially westerns.
The Indiana Jones franchise, but particularly in the first and third film, have obvious Judeo-Christian themes, but imply the central message that there is a fine line between the ambitions of man and the power of God, and it is a line best not to be crossed.
Being a lover of war films, you see plenty of episodes in soldiers expressing faith-based leanings--Saving Private Ryan, Hacksaw Ridge, Fury, Glory, The Patriot, All Quiet on the Western Front, American Sniper....
(ok, I'm done ranting)