So what? What right does the black community or any community for that matter have to infringe upon one’s racial preference if it is acceptable to say that no conservative community has the right to infringe upon one’s gender preference? I find this funny because there would be no real concern about something that is inconvenient to the white community. Not that I care per se because the gender ordeal gets just as ridiculous as this racial thing (just adds to the fact that most social issues these days are a joke). So why am I posting this?
It is because I am always fascinated my modern society’s consistent propensity to be so inconsistent, in that it draws the line in certain places and yet holds no guard rails in other areas which it claims to be sound to question. If gender can be separable from biological sex, why can’t race be unhinged from biological pigmentation?
But to argue against this racial identity claim ordeal simply because the black community does not like it is as laughable as someone saying that one should not support gun laws simply because the surrounding gun-loving community wouldn’t like it. I am not all onboard with this transgender thing but even I would find it to be an ineptly foolish thing to say that it should not be accepted simply because it’d upset the conservative community.