1 min readMar 28, 2021
- So, what are you trying to say — that these people (especially the likes if Churchill) should be demonized from here on out? You forgot Malcolm X and Al Sharpton but hey…I guess they get a free pass (for some reason).
- Though we may find certain beliefs of some of these historical figures detestable, that does not by any means tarnish their greatness and the epoch that they leave behind them. Churchill. Disney, and Reagan are all worthy of praise despite some choice perceptions on the way they see things. But you also need to think of the mentality that these people inherited during the unique historical periods in which they lived in. As a child, Churchill grew up in Victoria era and racism was not based on biological principles (like the Nazis later on) but merely on ethnicity and the perceived sophistication that that ethnicity held. If you were from a certain place (and your skin color definitely showed it) you were seen as less sophisticated but not biologically inferior. But Churchill’s comments towards the Indians is not entirely incomprehensible outside of prejudice beliefs. He is probably making these comments based on the caste system and it meaning from his POV that the Indians suppress their own people. And I would say that is why he is comparing them to the Germans, who in a sense, were suppressing themselves under an ideological system as well.