Since this is the case for CRT, then it’s implementation into the school system is redundant, as if implying that the school system that racism issues in America, past or present, has hitherto been unmentioned or grossly watered down in our school system. For many white people, including this one here, it is not about being afraid that black society will claim more than what we have or that we have subconsciously lodged in us an inner racist that we do not want to come to light. What you have is a teaching that is surprisingly more black and white. The way certain teachers have submitted to work ideology, many have become zealous. And just like the woke, if you disagree on these issues or teachings, then you are automatically the bad guy. If you do not submit to what CRT teaches as the solution, you are automatically the problem, and the concepts of racism, white supremacy, white fragility, inequity, etc are used as leverage against the person who questions this type of teaching. This is especially with the white fragility accusation, which on par with the Kafka trap, where if you deny or object to something, then you are made all the more guilty by merely refuting such an accusation.