Quite an impressive response and though your divulged past history in dealing with racism may make your words understandable, that does not mean they are excusable. It would behoove you to spare your words and heed more to deep reflection about what you are saying, because what you are saying, and what all you have said, is not going to change the world. It is not going to change the political atmosphere, which is something that you and I both have in common. In the end, from what all you have said, it is mere bullying predicated on victimhood. And as it is said, the greatest tyrannies that have come to be, past and present, were spawned by victimhood. But you're response here, as before, is all emotional, and not objective. It is rhetoric--good for anti-white propoganda, but not very appropriate for a history lesson. This addresses your: "where did I lie?" part. And there is no whataboutism--well one, I don't intend on going that route and two you do not want to hear about any "whataboutisms" because you know they would shoot a pretty heavy salvo your way that would demolish all of what you have written. In regards to the article you originally criticized, my support for Mr. Shetterly's piece is due to certain aspects of this particular history which are hardly ever spoken of. I didn't know anything about this beforehand. If you're gonna cover history, you gotta cover all of it. It is an article that begs the question: "how involved were the African people in the Atlantic Slave Trade?" And then, people like you say: "oh no, no, no--that's irrelevant, that's not important. What is important is the white man's atrocities committed towards black people (which is undeniable, yes)." But what was written in the article is something worth knowing as I said before, I never knew anything about it. In the end, you need to learn to keep your emotions in check and conduct yourself in a way that makes you more credible when it comes to these sorts of exchanges. Your posts are intellectually dishonest and vain, but I think if you just stop, think, then you might actually have something to say. And the way you ended your posts, about how your family members would think of what you've written since you've stated that they would find your words "unseemly" is very telling. Perhaps write something for a change that would make them proud, be they dead or alive.