It's really just a silly phenomenon in regards to this additional anthem. It is rather ludicrous because it really has no meaning because it is installed within the ceremony just for the sake of it being there. It's one of the reasons why diversity is so flawed these days because it is enforced diversity, as if a nation such as us is so desperate to tell ourselves and the world that we are as diverse as can be. But this enforcement of diversity is merely an illusive delusion. From my POV, the addition of another anthem is creating an unnecessary schism between the American people and though there is no rule that says a nation must have one national anthem, it is still necessary to have one single anthem because the singularity of it resembles a singular people--the American people. I'd have to be with Bill Maher--this is just getting ridiculous and the thing is that we will never get over these problems of race and whatnot because we keep on making a spectacle of it.