It seems like there is a latent totalitarianism here. Of course, that's how I view certain elements of the LGBTQ community and trans-community whenever I read disturbing content like this. So, you steal the product from the original creater and make it your own, claiming it as your own--an old authoritarian habit. I support J.K. Rowling in her decision to question transgenderism, not because I have any disdain for the trans-community (I don't--people can live the way they want to live) but simply because she spoke her mind, she questioned things. Her inquiry was intellectual at its core but at times, the price to be a true honest thinker, will cost people. This type of behavior, this reactionism, is an abomination to all who value free thought and ideas. But hey, I guess all that doesn't matter now--it's all about security and making people feel good about themselves. If free thought and ideas tend to jeopardize that, then they must go.