It amazes me how certain people in regards to advocating anti-racism can be so zealous about it to the point that they become blind, and in the process, indulge in racist rhetoric/beliefs. Your article is loaded with racist observations of white people, in which you tend to generalize all of white society in regards to a specific behavior; in this case, using "woke". It is one of the many reasons why we can't move forward as a society because we have fallen into this pathetic habit of unknowingly fighting "racism with racism" (or prejudice, bigotry, whatever word you wish to use).
The term woke though, albeit once meaningful in a good sense, is no longer a positive movement. People will say it is anti-establishment, especially when you point out when it comes to certain alleged racial injustices in society. Yet, incidentally, it has become pro-establishment in other ways as it has become a sort of systemic burden in ousting people that do not line up with its views and I cannot begin to review how many people have lost their jobs or have become publicly discredited for saying or doing something that the "woke mob" found to be offensive or politically incorrect. Could there be some good just people who label themselves as woke? Sure. But with the movement overall and the way it is carried out in modernity, woke is not a very positive aspect of our society and if anything, shows our social ineptitude in terms of seeking justice and carrying it out properly. Woke, as I always say, is the latest joke...but it's not a very funny one as it is tragic.