I'll answer this one part of your response and come back to answer others later, since I'm at school right now.
So, a lot of the stigma I have towards contemporary social justice movements is due to a lot of the grotesque social behavior I have seen over this past year, in particular, when the George Floyd riots started. It is not just a negative reaction to questions, it is also likewise with statements that hold no merit to be aggressively countered. You know how many people have been fired because of Twitter posts? Of course, a lot and some of them shoot themselves in the foot. But others say certain things that the "minorities" or those who supposedly support the minorities find offensive and so take action, and what was stated by no means calls for negative consequences. One example that comes to mind is a former Dean of Massachusetts nursing school who was fired for tweeting "all lives matter" during this period. She stated this, that "everyone's life matters" because of the ongoing violence that was taking place in some of these riots, expressing her concerns. Many found it narrow-minded and offensive, to say the least. So, they fired here. Another matter concerned a teacher at Californian university where he was teaching linguistics for a business class and he was teaching certain Chinese words, and he said one expression that sounded like the "n" word. The school did not fire him but they automatically suspended him to "sort things out." So, this is why (among many more examples I can offer you), I am so suspicious about today's social justice groups, because to me it seems like the whole thing is not only sporadic as it is diabolically tyrannical at times. It is so reactionary and so relentless when one presses the right button...a button many seem to like being pushed who're in these groups so they can enact reprisals for behavior that is not offensive. It is not like the original Civil Rights movement with MLK Jr. That was about love, diligence, and a progressivism I am towards, because one they (black people) had it so much worse back then but they did not try to make other peoples lives miserable simply because they disagreed with a few things. So, with all the other movements, along with the BLM, such as LGBTQ (segments of it), I hold my suspicions of due to this reactionism. No, it's not every involved in these groups but I have seen far too much passion of wanting to make examples out of people that it is where I do not stand by them. But the other thing is the total hypocrisy too, as I have seen some of the most inconsistent statements and behaviors towards the race issue. For example, Sarah Jeong, the NY Times employee, posted several anti-white tweets back in 2013 or 14. But she still has her job. Had it be a white journalist who posted anti-black sentiments, even back in '13 or '14, even before then, I guarantee you he or she would not have his/her job. So, there is this inconsistency in the modern social justice movements where I see more hate, more division, and more grotesque human behavior than anything else. I can list other examples of people (of color) who should've been canned for saying something racist or uncalled for in relation to white people, but that'll be my example. So, again, I just don't trust the modern social justice movements, let alone view them as progressive.