I believe you are intentionally dissecting my words, refitting them with how you wish to interpret them, and stereotyping me based on those interpretations.
I would say I am not "embittered and indifferent" towards individual suffering when it comes to racism. I felt sorry and was concerned for Ms. Kyla Spring's wellbeing when she had to endure that awful behavior. I am just embittered and indifferent when such issues are taking on a 'social level' because too many times, I have seen contradictions in those who speak out against and by the masses who are 'attempting to make a stand'.
Now, you can accept or deny my aforementioned claims. You can still call me what you have called me, because all I can do as of this moment is say that I am not what you think I am.
And the best thing about it is, is that I know who I am, and who I am is not who you say I am, and that is good enough for me.
I do not defend white supremacy. I do not believe any races are better than others or should rule over others. I live by Dr. King's rules, in that I judge everyone by their character and not by the color of their skin, even though today people of color (especially in the media) try so hard to emphasize their skin color to the point it seems to reverse the progressiveness that was the dream of MLK Jr.
I invite you to read this: https://medium.com/indian-thoughts/now-all-i-see-is-black-b7b55602a34c
This was published a little over a year ago but perhaps it can give you some insight about how I feel towards these issues concerning race.