I am for "old-fashioned" discipline that involves giving one's offspring a good spanking when they are out of line. However, there are boundaries. I am not a parent (and don't intend to be anytime soon) but I do believe a parent is at fault when they completely avoid implementing corporal punishment when the time calls for it. But there are also those parents who go to corporal punishment as the first thing every time their child starts to misbehave. That is, it is the first and only response they ever give, and with each episode of misbehavior the child acts upon, the physical punishment only escalates. The abuse of corporal punishment can leave a real effect on a child's mind and parents need to be weary of that, as at times, corporal punishment does not seem to be an act of paradoxical love by disciplining them in such a way, but merely an act of vehemence that ventilates the parent's frustrations in upbringing their children.