I agree with a lot of what you have stated, especially in the first paragraph with regards to our government. I am not a nihilist over life itself but there are certain aspects of life which I am, and politics and American society is definitely one of them. I do not have a crystal ball but we may initiate our downfall merely because of our sheer stupidity. But politicians I do not put any stock in and we are a living example as to why a two-party system cannot stand on its feet. They hate each other too much now. I wish we were like our European cousins, who are smarter from my perspective, in that they have a multiple-party system. Do they debate? Is their animosity? Of course, it's politics! But I believe the way theirs is structured and the mindset that they have, they are willing to come together to agree on something.
Reminds me of a land a long time ago called the U.S. where Replublicans/Democrats, liberals/conservatives could actually agree on something.