Hmmmm......Indeed, I think Carl Jung calls this "projection". It's funny how allegedly you'd seem to be an outspoken critic of racism and yet your words explicitly clarify that you are the racist here, but instead of owning up to it, you project your hate-filled sentiments onto white people. On top of that, you insult yourself even further by slapping down a list of infractions and evils that is a common trait in mankind itself and not exclusively the white race. But you don't care, do you? So what happened, Mehki, did you one day do a lot of bad yourself and just decided to conclude that: the white man made me this way. Having the nerve to list all of these atrocities, there is a boomerang effect here that will hit hard in providing you with an equal list of the many great things white people have accomplished thus far. And unlike you, I would not exclusively hold man's greatest achievements exclusively to the white race, but to all races, religions, etc. You need to do some self-reflection because quite frankly, I find it that you have an inner turmoil that only you can confront.