For a person with your particular perspective, you're overview of the matter is quite mature compared to the way some other people would go about it on this site. However, I can't exactly agree with what you are saying. Censorship is one of the most notorious slippery slopes out there. If you start banning those books because of their bigoted language, then some will feel the need to ban other books that contain such sentiments. Ex., it can transcend racism. You would be banning a lot of philosophical texts (by some of the greatest philosophers) for having misogynistic sentiments. You can go on to cancel other books, like the Brothers Grimm, since there is some anti-Semitic sentiments; the same goes for a lot of European writers. It can just keep going on and on and on. If you want to put warning labels on the cover of the books because of sensitive content like racist jargon, alright--that sounds reasonable. But if you simply start banning them, then it can be followed by a cascade of banning other great pieces of literature.
Also, what about books by black authors that contain racist language? I'm especially concerned about this if such books hold anti-white language in them. If the schools were to find this permissible to have them in the school but not the other books, then that would be a double-standard.