At one time, I did not think much of Ricky. I found him more pompous than funny. I remember one time he was on Jimmy Fallon and he was just annoying with a high-pitched laugh. Lately though, I've garnished more respect for the man due to his outspokenness. He, along with Maher, Chappell, and a few others are not afraid to speak their mind and that is really something nowadays with today's online culture and the woke culture that saturates it.
Though I have nothing against transgender people, I also have no problem with someone criticizing and/or lambasting their beliefs either. You cannot live in a world, especially in a comedic one, where it is okay to get on stage, and make fun of the right, religious people, gun owners, and/or other things usually very controversial like that, and yet claim that people on the left, the LGBTQ+, the transgender community, and so forth is off limits. And it only gets worse when people use the excuse that people are getting hurt because of it as a method to shutting them up.
Good job, Ricky!