Also, I don't believe they're making these movies exclusively for tokenism but I do believe it plays a part. Some people would consider tokenism to be minor roles given to minority peoples. Some people would point out Billy Dee Williams playing Lando Calrissian in The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, as if he was chosen just to merely satisfy the black community. But I don't see it that way. I think that the casting directors just looked at Williams and said: "Hey--that's our Lando! He's charming! He's agile! He's handsome! Let's do it!" I see it as just that. They picked him because they thought he was right for the part and it had nothing to do with skin color. Now, I see it as the opposite. I think of them as having the mindset of: "Diversity first, talent second." Of course, I think the mild animosity I have towards the "sequel trilogy" is that they are too much like the original trilogy, with "The Last Jedi" being the exception.