Allow me to retort, as Samuel L. Jackson would say.
You say that none of these things apply to me because I have no personal experience with such things. Well, you'd be correct. I myself have never been fired or put on leave for criticizing BLM nor have I known anyone personally (yet) to have experienced such treatment. And yes, of course I feel the need to put my opinion, or better yet, viewpoints as I'd like to call them, because that is one of the central points about this whole site--to express viewpoints, you know--to have a dialogue or some sort of sophisticated conversation. Who the hell has placed down in the criteria that one must have personal experiences with certain issues to voice their views on them? Where am I not allowed to be outraged at hearing someone being fired simply for expressing their viewpoints on a particular group, be it the KKK, BLM, the NAACP, NASA, or whatever?! It is also likewise for people who support BLM or any other group--they have a right to voice their views to. And you're right, I do put these things in the frame of freedom and you know why? Because I live in the United States where free speech is a core value and the expression of individual perspectives is to be unmolested by any outside influences, government, religious, or otherwise. But of course, pulling stuff right out of the tyrant's playbook, you wave the red flag and say that I am stirring up hate. You cop out because you can't hold a rational conversation, let alone actual rational thoughts, to defend your statements. So, you just shield yourself with accusing me of me being a "instigated", whatever the devil that means (is that supposed to be jive or something) that "drums up hate." Well, perhaps you're the hater...a hater of free speech, especially when it counters your views that you cannot rationally defend.