Ah, I see that I struck a nerve; well, an apology is not in order. But your offensiveness is your defensiveness. I see that you do not attempt to even answer the question but instead, circumnavigate my inquiry, and skip right to labeling me a transphobic person and simply calling my inquiry stupid. You say sex and then you say gender in that they are separable and I respect that in regards that you have a right to hold that viewpoint. But you should do likewise unto those who believe they are inseparable and who find this whole gender/pronoun BS is a joke. Not that I would rub that in anyone’s face, mind you and I would respect someone of they were to follow this line of thinking but do not expect me to bend a knee and mindlessly surrender to it. To me, Ellen Page is not a man and so he/they are out — give me a reason why I should mindlessly comply to this? And don’t say out of decency or mindfulness, or any other political correct BS. Make your mark, your stand on rational grounds! Use reason, not emotion.
God, it is things like this that my generation is such a joke.